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removing dashed lines
Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:24 pm
by Scott_Morrow
After setting line options with
qrtPDF_SetLineOptions tDocRef,"round","miter","0,2",1
I can't work out how to go back to using solid lines.
Quartam PDF Lib 1.1.5
LC 8.1.6 business
Scott Morrow
Re: removing dashed lines
Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:30 pm
by JanSchenkel
Hi Scott,
That's an excellent question, indeed. And it looks like there's no clean way to revert to a solid line without changing the library source.
So here's the quick work-around:
Code: Select all
qrtPDF_SetLineOptions tDocRef, "round", "miter", "1,0", 0
For a better solution, here's how you can patch the library script:
- Update command 'p_qrtPDF_AssertDashes' as follows
Code: Select all
private command p_qrtPDF_AssertDashes @pDashes
if pDashes is "solid" then exit p_qrtPDF_AssertDashes
replace space with empty in pDashes
repeat for each item tDash in pDashes
if tDash is not an integer then throw "qrtPDFErr: invalid dashes"
end repeat
end p_qrtPDF_AssertDashes
- Update command 'qrtPDF_SetLineOptions' as follows
Code: Select all
command qrtPDF_SetLineOptions pDocID, pCap, pJoin, pDashes, pPhase
p_qrtPDF_AssertDocID pDocID
p_qrtPDF_AssertCap pCap
p_qrtPDF_AssertJoin pJoin
p_qrtPDF_AssertDashes pDashes
if pPhase is empty or pPhase is "solid" then put 0 into pPhase
p_qrtPDF_AssertNumber "phase", pPhase
put pCap into sDocumentsA[pDocID][kp_LineCap]
put pJoin into sDocumentsA[pDocID][kp_LineJoin]
put pDashes into sDocumentsA[pDocID][kp_LineDashes]
put pPhase into sDocumentsA[pDocID][kp_LinePhase]
switch pCap
case "butt"
p_qrtPDF_ATB pDocID, "0 J"
case "join"
p_qrtPDF_ATB pDocID, "1 J"
case "square"
p_qrtPDF_ATB pDocID, "2 J"
end switch
switch pJoin
case "miter"
p_qrtPDF_ATB pDocID, "0 j"
case "round"
p_qrtPDF_ATB pDocID, "1 j"
case "bevel"
p_qrtPDF_ATB pDocID, "2 j"
end switch
if pDashes is "solid" then
p_qrtPDF_ATB pDocID, "[] 0 d"
else if pDashes is not empty then
local tDashes
repeat for each item tDash in pDashes
put format("%2.f", tDash) & space after tDashes
end repeat
delete char -1 of tDashes
p_qrtPDF_ATB pDocID, format("[%s] %2.f d", tDashes, pPhase)
end if
end qrtPDF_SetLineOptions
And then you can revert to a solid line with the following command call:
Code: Select all
qrtPDF_SetLineOptions tDocRef, "round", "miter", "solid"
I'll include the "solid" approach in the next revision of the library.
Jan Schenkel.
Re: removing dashed lines
Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:45 pm
by Scott_Morrow
Hello Jan,
Wonderful! I eventually figured out the workaround but I will implement your patch. Thanks for this amazing library!
Scott Morrow